Hi fellow Loki babes! @lokis-dirty-whispers has me loving fem!Loki and Loki together. I also love imagining myself as a male having sex with Loki. (Still figuring out my identity.) Loki is a walking, talking, villainous sin that makes my panties wet.

Submitted graciously by @mynerdrage

Thank you for putting out an awesome blog for any Loki-fans to go enjoy, contributions like these really help the community come together. It helps shippers find people with their ships in common, as well as helping the owners of the blog gain followers! But yeah, I also understand all the Hype behind Loki, I’m a big fan of how unabashedly confident and smug he acts all the time, that kind of powerful aura is…highly desirable. (Alternatively, Tom Hiddleston is NOT hard to look at) Fem!Loki combined with M!Loki would literally be a dream come true for double that level of wit and dastardly cunning. Thank you for another awesome confession, my friend, I look forward to them! Happy shipping!

Mother loves you no matter your identity! ❤

I HAVE A CONFESSION. GIMME THAT PINES OT4 PLEASE (StanxFordxDipperxMabel). I need more of it, all the time, forever. I also need more Fordbel (FordxMabel). Fuck I love these. I will never stop loving these pairings. NOBODY CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE. -Screaming forever because holy shit-

Submitted graciously by @yaschiri

You know, to be truthful, I had not considered this OT4 before, but am now considering it heavily because of this confession. Okay but Stan and Ford raising Mabel and Dipper practically as their own? The Pines family becoming a monster-huting/mystery-solving team? Stan and Ford awkwardly knowing when Mabel and Dipper are going through “those years” when their door is always shut/locked and the music is playing loud (but not loud enough if you press up against the door) because they remember when THEY had gone through those years. Mabel being the princess of the family because she’s the only girl and Stanly is the only one who knows what to do/is ready to help when Mabel starts having “girl time.” (I mean, he’s got all those books on puberty n such just LYIN’ AROUND, right?) …Okay, yeah this is a good ship. Excellent confession, yaschiri, thank you for sharing it! Happy shipping!

Mother loves you in 16 different flavors! ❤

Maaaaan you can literally call me trash or toxic or whatever until you’re rolling over in your grave I will not argue with you on that shit

Like, damn, I get so much love everyday, my fucking messages are FILLED with constant influxes of adoration, conversations, and support I literally need to shut my blog down occasionally just to keep up with it all like man you think you’re hurting me?

You think people don’t already know that I’m a “trash blog”? You’re just screaming into an ether of already existing information, I’m FAR more concerned with the happiness of my followers than I am with your shit opinions 😂😂👏🏻👏🏻💖💖💯💯



this just in


is really



really fucking disgusting.

bonus: an actual mod from an/ti-a/nti-w/incest submits

another bonus: shipping real people in incestuous relationships

i didn’t even have to barely scroll down for this shit.

So we’ve got rape, incest, pedophilia, child porn, abuse….hell, we got a full basket right here!

good to know the shippers are still just as disgusting as they’ve always been 

: ^ )

oh go d this is

so fucked up

so so so  SO fucked up

Kinkshame harder, your pussy is far too dry to be riding my dick this hard 😎

Tag Patrol #2

Imagine Asriel and Frisk living peacefully together as pseudo-siblings until they hit their preteen years and start developing feelings for one another. These just grow over time, and nobody really says anything about it to them.

Then, 15 years later, they’ve sworn into the monarchy, married, and happily ruling over the kingdom with a “Mercy First” policy. Toriel and Asgore couldn’t be more proud.